
The suggested way for using CFDWind is by using Docker Docker works under most of the operating systems and allows deplying CFDWind from a single packadge.

Quick start using Docker Hub

A pre-build image of CFDWind is available from the Docker Hub. Once you have the Docker installed ( ) you can run the CFDWind environment with a single command:

$ docker run -it windbench/cfdwind /bin/bash

The first time the command might take some time downloading the image.

The above command will open a terminal that is ready to use. You can test it (takes 1 minute) by running:

$ ./test/


To share input/output with the OS, and avoid storing everything in the virtual drive, we should mount workdir to the host.

Development workflow

  1. You will need:
  2. Clone the CFDWind repository:

    $ git clone cfdwind
  3. Build your local CFDWind Docker image (for the first time it will take around 2 hours):

    $ cd cfdwind
    $ docker build -t cfdwind ./

At this point all is ready for development

  1. Make some changes in the code

  2. Rebuild the image (it should take only few minutes):

    $ docker build -t cfdwind ./


The build step rebuilds the whole model. Better if recompiled inside the image.

  1. Run a quick model test (takes around 1 minute):

    $ docker run -it cfdwind /bin/bash -c "source ~/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.4.0/etc/bashrc && ./test/"
  2. Get involved, improove the code and repeat steps 4-6.

Without Docker

For a custom instalation, it is easiest to follow the build script for the Docker image which lists all the dependencies.